姓名:张学坤Zhang Xuekun 性别:男
职称:副教授Associate Professor 办公室:农科楼410B Office Room: Agricultural science building 317
学历学位:博士Doctor degree 硕/博士生导师:硕士生导师Supervisor
研究方向:植物抗/感病基因挖掘与利用Mining and utilization of crop resistance/susceptibility genes;植物病害生物防治Biological control of plant diseases
工作简历:张学坤(Assoc. Prof. Zhang Xuekun):男,籍贯河南,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2013年毕业于石河子大学,获得硕士学位,毕业就职于新疆农垦科学院棉花研究所(2013-2017年)。2021年毕业于华中农业大学,获博士学位,毕业后就职于石河子大学农学院。
研究成果:发表论文20余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Plant Biotechnology Journal、Viruses、Plants、Agronomy等发表SCI 12篇,TOP期刊1篇,2019年以来IF >7.0的1篇。
2. 兵团指导性科技计划项目(2022ZD056):陆地棉响应大丽轮枝菌侵染全基因组突变体库构建及抗性基因鉴定,主持(2022-2025)
3. 石河子大学高层次人才科研启动项目(2022ZK015):棉花负调控黄萎病关键基因挖掘及其功能解析,主持,(2022-2025)
4. 石河子大学青年创新人才计划项目:库尔勒香梨腐烂病菌内病毒多样性及其抑菌效果研究,主持(2023-2024)
5. 兵团农业科技攻关项目(2015AC002):新疆棉田田旋花耐药性检测及防治技术研究,主持,(2015-2017);
6. 国家科技重大专项(2022xjkk0503):伊犁河流域农业生物物种资源调查,参与(2022-2025)
7. 自治区重点研发计划项目(2022B02014):核桃腐烂病高效生防微生物制剂的应用示范,参与,(2023-2025)
8. 兵团财政科技计划项目(2021AB011):北疆边境团场食葵提质增效关键技术集成与示范,参与,(2021-2023)
(1) Zhang, M., Ma, Y., Wang, Y., Gao, H., Zhao, S., Yu, Y., Zhang, X.,* & Xi H*. (2024). MAPK and phenylpropanoid metabolism pathways involved in regulating the resistance of upland cotton plants to Verticillium dahliae. Front Plant Sci, 15, 1451985. (SCI, IF: 4.1)
(2) Zhang, C., Zheng, X., Tie, Z., Xi, H., Shi, M., Ma, Y., Chen, W., Mi, Y., Yang, R., Zhao, S.,* & Zhang, X.* (2024). Identification of mycoviruses in the pathogens of fragrant pear Valsa canker from Xinjiang in China. Viruses, 16(3): 355. (SCI, IF: 4.7)
(3) Chen, M., Zhang, L., Yao, Z., Cao, X., Ma, Q., Chen, S., Zhang, X.,* & Zhao, S.* (2024). Integrated transcriptome and proteome analysis reveals that cell wall activity affects Phelipanche aegyptiaca parasitism. Plants, 13(6): 869. (SCI, IF: 4.5)
(4) Chen, S., Zhang, L., Ma, Q., Chen, M., Cao, X., Zhao, S.,* & Zhang, X.* (2024). Jasmonate ZIM domain protein (JAZ) gene SLJAZ15 increases resistance to Orobanche aegyptiaca in tomato. Plants, 13(11), 1493. (SCI, IF: 4.5)
(5) Zhang, X., Du, J., Wang, P., Wang, P., Liu, Z., Yao, Z., Zhao, S.,* & Xi, H*. (2024). Identification and genetic diversity analysis of broomrape in Xinjiang, China. Mol Biol Rep, 51(1): 326. (SCI, IF: 2.8)
(6) Tie, Z., Wang, P., Chen, W., Tang, B., Yu, Y., Liu, Z., Zhao, S., Khan, F. H., Zhang, X.,* & Xi, H.* (2023) Different responses of the rhizosphere microbiome to Verticillium dahliae infection in two cotton cultivars. Front Microbiol, 14: 1229454. (SCI, IF: 5.2)
(7) Ma, Q., Hu, L., Xi, H., Yao, Z., Wang, P., Zhao, S.,* & Zhang, X.* (2023). First report of Karelinia caspia (Pall.) Less as a new host of Orobanche cumana Wallr. in Xinjiang, China. Plant Dis, doi: 10.1094/PDIS-05-23-0988-PDN. (SCI, IF: 4.5)
(8) Bian, P., Sun, C., Cao, X., Yao, Z., Zhang, X.,* Zhao S.* (2023). Screening of haustorium induction factors of Phelipanche aegyptiaca Pers. based on metabolome analysis of Cucumis melo L. root exudates. Agronomy, 13: 128, (SCI, IF: 2.65)
(9) Zhang, X., Cheng, J., Lin, Y., Fu, Y., Xie, J., Li, B., Bian, X., Feng, Y., Liang, W., Tang, Q., Zhang, H., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Liu, C., & Jiang, D.* (2021). Editing homologous copies of an essential gene affords crop resistance against two cosmopolitan necrotrophic pathogens. Plant Biotechnol J, 19(11): 2349-2361, (SCI, IF: 9.803) TOP
(10) Zhang, X.,* Xi, H., Lin, K., Liu, Z., Yu, Y., Zhao, J., Sun, Y.. (2016). Leaf spot disease of field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.) caused by Stemphylium solani in China. Plant Dis, 100: 2165-2165, (SCI, IF: 3.192)
(11) Zhang, X.,* Xi, H., Lin, K., Liu, Z., Yu, Y., Sun, Y., Zhao, J. (2016). Aspergillus leaf spot of field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.) caused by Aspergillus niger in China. SpringerPlus, 5: 1-4. (SCI, IF: 0.982)
(12) Zhang, X., Yao, Z., Zhao, S.,* Xie, H., Yang, M. (2013). Rhizopus stem rot of Orobanche aegyptiaca caused by Rhizopus oryzae in China. J Phytopathol, 161: 745-748. (SCI, IF: 0.945)
(13) 帖展疆,张桂源, 马朝阳, 穆建国, 王贺亚, 王鹏, 惠慧, 张学坤. (2024). 新疆向日葵主产区有害蓟马优势种群鉴定及其解毒酶对防治药剂的响应.石河子大学学报(自然科学版), 42(05): 545-551.
(14) 孟佩, 帖展疆, 马朝阳, 张桂源, 肖庆会, 张学坤. (2024). 3种杀虫剂对向日葵田棉铃虫毒力及其解毒酶活性的影响. 安徽农学通报, 30(21): 77-81.
(15) 张学坤,惠慧, 赵静, 林克剑, 冯丽凯, 刘政, 孙艳, 王振辉. (2017). 新疆棉田田旋花对二甲戊灵的耐药性测定. 农药, 056: 542-545.
(16) 张学坤, 惠慧, 林克剑, 刘政, 赵静, 孙艳, 董芳, 徐冬冬. (2016). 田旋花对7种土壤处理除草剂的敏感性测定及其防除药剂筛选. 中国棉花, 43: 14-17.
(17) 张学坤, 姚兆群, 赵思峰, 丁丽丽, 杜娟. (2012). 分枝(瓜)列当在新疆的分布,危害及其风险评估. 植物检疫, 26: 31-33.
(1) 张学坤副主编,向日葵高效种植技术,2024年5月,新疆生产建设兵团出版社,ISBN:978-7-5574-2413-8
(2) 张学坤参编,新疆农林主要外来入侵生物监测与防控,2024年7月,中国农业出版社,ISBN:978-7-109-31335-4
(3) 张学坤参编,耕读教育-天山十讲,2024年8月,中国农业出版社,ISBN:978-7-109-32271-4
• 赵思峰,张学坤,姚兆群,杜鹃,田芳,一种米根霉菌剂的生产方法及其用途及其使用方法,2015.11.18,中国,ZL201310310412.0.